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RGB (Red, Green, Blue) pixels are the standard subpixels used in most display technologies. Each pixel is composed of three subpixels: one for red, one for green, and one for blue. By varying the intensity of each subpixel, a wide range of colors can be displayed on the screen. This requires a 3 channel controller which sends data for Red, Green, and Blue.

WRGB (White, Red, Green, Blue) pixels, on the other hand, incorporate an additional white subpixel along with the traditional RGB subpixels. The white subpixel is added to improve brightness and overall color accuracy. By adjusting the intensity of the white subpixel in addition to the red, green, and blue subpixels, WRGB displays can achieve higher brightness levels and better color reproduction compared to traditional RGB displays. This additional white subpixel can also help in saving power, as it can be used to produce brighter images without having to increase the power consumption of the other subpixels. This requires a 4 channel controller which is capable of sending color data to White, Red, Green, and Blue.